About Me

WatikamQwe Personal Blog | News and Articles West Papuan Women Voice. Share our stories about the voices of women and from Papua. The reason that women are not inferior to men, together with them can lift them up to the dignity of friends.
Here WatikamQwe only wants to share experiences, because interesting or impressive experiences are certainly hard to forget. An impressive experience can be in the form of happiness, funny events, or trials. An event will be memorable if we experience it ourselves. You can also share your experiences with others.

Like the WatiamQwe experience or in general for every human being as quoted above, why WatikamQwe here wants to share because sharing with others they don't know is a pleasant thing for WatikamQwe.

There is nothing as beautiful as the stain for WatikamQwe, and WatikamQwe are sure that you also have the same experience.

Try telling you what happened in life about what needs to be shared with others is very good, because we live in love and dependence on others. 

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